CALL OUR LOCAL PLUMBER: (850) 462-3019
1022 Underwood Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32504
Sometimes, it is extremely easy to detect a leak in your toilet. You will hear the sound of running water. But many times, water leaks silently through your tank, so it is important to regularly check on your toilet. The most common cause of a leak is the flapper failing to sit properly, thereby not forming a tight seal against the valve seat.
Here’s What You Need To Do
Remove the lid, and place a dye tablet or 10 drops of food coloring into the tank. Put the lid back on but DO NOT FLUSH . Wait about 10-15 minutes and look into the bowl. If the water is colored, you have a leak and you should call Barberi Plumbing right away to repair it.
No matter how minor the leak may seem at the moment, it’s never a good idea to simply ignore it. Even minor leaks can leak into the walls and interior of your home, causing mold and mildew, as well as rotting. Furthermore, smaller leaks are typically much less expensive to repair than larger ones, and that’s not even to mention the cost of the possible water damage to your home.
Don’t take any chances when it comes to toilet leaks. Be sure to check for leaks often, especially in older toilets. And the moment you notice any sign of trouble, give Barberi Plumbing a call for reliable plumbing repair services.
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Barberi Plumbing Inc.
1022 Underwood Avenue
Pensacola , FL 32504
(850) 462-3019
License Number: CFC058082