CALL OUR LOCAL PLUMBER: (850) 462-3019
1022 Underwood Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32504
Having a leaky faucet can be easy to ignore in some scenarios, but it’s certainly not the right thing to do. For a quick fix, you might place some tape over the problem or a bucket underneath the leaks. In the short-term, that may seem like a great option. There’s many reasons why you shouldn’t ignore leaks with your faucets, and one of those reasons includes a major waste of water! From the leak alone, you can lose a significant amount of water which is extremely wasteful and costly. This is not only bad for your home, but bad for your bank account, too. You’ll still be paying for those drips, even if the water is turned off!
If a leaky faucet costing you doesn’t scare you into calling for help, then mold certainly will. Leaks of any type can accumulate in areas that are sometimes hidden, such as under the sink in a cabinet. Because of this, you may not notice the leak immediately, which can cause mold to grow. In a damp and dark environment, mold will grow fast, which means even more repairs will have to be made—not to mention a horrible smell will build.
The leak will not just simply go away on its own; it will continue to get worse and cause you even more problems as time goes by. Contact your local experts at Barberi Plumbing to have your leaks fixed as soon as possible. If you think you have a leak or know you definitely have one, call us right away. Even the start of a small leak can be risky!
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Barberi Plumbing Inc.
1022 Underwood Avenue
Pensacola , FL 32504
(850) 462-3019
License Number: CFC058082